When the question arises, what is the pink diamond expensive stone in the world, the name pink diamond is inevitable. structure with Gemariya is composed of aluminum oxide. Stone is a natural source of various internal defects that can be seen by the natural eye. The color can be brown, red.The most important – RubyContinue reading “A PRECIOUS PINK DIAMOND”


Australian pink diamonds Colored diamonds have been fascinated by their beauty and value for hundreds of years. Over the past few decades, many types of colored diamonds have increased in value, but one shade of colored diamonds is ahead of the rest. The price of pink diamonds has increased by an average of 15% perContinue reading “The Secret of Successful AUSTRALIAN PINK DIAMONDS”

Specification Of Pink Dimonds.

Characteristics: The pressure on the crystal lattice structure of pink diamonds caused by earthly forces of nature, not only creates their zonality of color. It also causes them to have natural markings or features. Color variants: Argyle pink diamonds have color scales due to the fact that they are 100% natural and have not beenContinue reading “Specification Of Pink Dimonds.”

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